What Does My Child Need To Know Before Kindergarten?

Find a free kindergarten readiness checklist you can use to determine if your child is ready to start school.

This school readiness checklist covers both academic skills AND other skills kids should have before starting school.

Things like standing in a line, being able to zip up a coat, and taking care of all bathroom needs independently.

Kindergarten Readiness Checklist

What academic skills should my child have before kindergarten?

-recognize and name basic shapes: square, circle, triangle, and rectangle -recognize and name numbers 1-10, even when they are out of order -count to 20

-count 10 objects, pointing to each one as she counts -say or sing the alphabet- -identify colors in an 8-ct crayon pack

What other things (non-academic) does my child need to know how to do before kindergarten? Your child should be able to:

-put on his coat and zip it up -tie his shoes -take turns and share

-sit quietly and listen -follow simple directions -use the bathroom by herself (including zipping and buttoning pants)

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