Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses

Skip the gingerbread and make Christmas houses the EASY way, using graham crackers instead.

Use our no-fail method for constructing graham cracker gingerbread houses – they won’t collapse and kids (and adults) love decorating them!

Graham Crackers White Chocolate Chips Christmas Candies

What You'll Need:

Place one full graham cracker on a cutting board. Use a serrated knife to carefully cut diagonally across the top half as shown  (a gently sawing motion works best).


Cut the other two graham crackers in half so you have four graham cracker halves and two graham cracker halves with triangle shapes on top  (they will support the roof).


Lay one roof support cracker in between two graham cracker halves. Pipe a line of melted white chocolate  (or royal icing) down each side of the graham cracker halves.


Fold up each graham cracker half and press it again the edges of the roof support cracker.


Give this recipe a try! Tap the link below for the full recipe details.