One more DIY Valentine’s Day card idea and one last pun for the week: Donut go breaking my heart!
I don’t know about your kids, but mine would be thrilled to give (or receive) a pack of donuts along with a Valentine. Of course, if you’ve ever read this blog before you’re probably saying to yourself: I thought you were a total cheapskate, Autumn. Are you seriously buying packages of donuts for all 30 kids in your child’s class?
Well, I’ll admit: I wasn’t going to. This was one of the first silly Valentine’s sayings I came up with this year, but I decided not to use it because individually wrapped packs of donuts are over a dollar each, and there’s no way am I spending that much money on Valentine’s day. And then I was at Walmart and I saw this:
A 12 pack of 4 mini donuts for just 3 bucks! Well, that’s not so bad. Since I made a free printable card and don’t have to spend money on store-bought cards, I can make enough of these for an entire classroom of children for under $10, with plenty of leftovers for my own kids to enjoy.
If you want to make donut Valentines, get the free donut Valentine’s day card printable here.
Print it out on card stock and trim along the lines, tape a card to each package of donuts, and then let your kid feel like a rockstar while passing out donuts to everyone in her class.
If you’ve missed the other printable DIY Valentines day cards, find them below:
I think you’re exSTRAW special (crazy straws)
You’re the swedish one I know (swedish fish)
Valentine, I think you’re SUPER (superhero bracelets)
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