I hope you’re not too tired of Valentine’s Day card ideas yet. I promise, we’ll return to our regularly scheduled programming next week. Today I have another non-candy Valentines day treat idea: superhero bracelets with a free printable that says “Hey Valentine, I think you’re SUPER!”
You can order these cute superhero bracelets from Amazon in a 24 pack for just over $5 with free 2-day shipping if you have Amazon Prime (I LOVE Amazon Prime! – Start Free Trial Now
). They come in all the colors of the rainbow and I made matching cards to go with each one. <—affiliate links
Just click the following links to download the free printables: yellow/blue/red/green here and purple/orange here. Print them out on card stock then trim along the lines and slide a bracelet onto each card (you’ll probably want to use scotch tape to secure the bracelets to the cards).
Kids can write to: and from: on the back of each card before putting them together.
If your child has more than 24 students in his or her class, this idea won’t end up being quite as cheap as the “You’re exSTRAW special” or “You’re the swedish one I know” Valentines I’ve shared so far this week, but your kids will probably love to keep the extra bracelets – mine have been begging to wear them since ours arrived. I think these will be an absolute hit with their friends.
Genevieve says
Thank you for the Valentines cards this year! My daughter is super excited! I opened the package from Amazon today and she squealed when she saw the Super bracelets. Its going to be a big hit with her classmates this Valentines! Thanks again!
sara says
Thank you so much for sharing. I just ordered these bracelets for valentine’s on Amazon and was looking for idea’s to make cards to go with them. You totally saved me a ton of time creating them. Love them. The kids will be soooo excited!
Emily says
What a great idea! I ordered the bracelets and just printed these off tonight, they look great. Thanks for sharing!
jo says
Absolutely perfect! Thank you so much. Grandkids will be the hit of the class.
Lynne says
Thank you Autumn for the great Valentine ideas for my grandchildren and for the awesome printables!