Ok, teenagers are notoriously hard to shop for when it comes to Christmas and birthdays, right? They’re picky, they want things that are uber expensive, or they say they just want money. Sometimes you just want a gift that will make your teen smile without breaking the bank. Having three teens of my own, I’ve discovered that one of the best gifts for a teenager is a funny t-shirt, so I’ve rounded up 36 funny tees for boys, girls, teens, guys, and any other hard to shop for people on your list. Below you’ll find tees that feature geeky humor, pop culture humor, snarky humor, lazy humor, and more. (And if you’re looking for more great gift ideas for teens, click here.)
Note: Under each graphic you’ll find links to each shirt on Amazon (affiliate links). Most come in a variety of sizes and almost all of them come in different colors, so click through to see if the shirt you see here comes in the color you want. Also, if the link takes you to a men’s shirt listing and you’re looking for a women’s shirt, try searching the shirt on Amazon because most of these tees have multiple listings. Happy shopping!
For those who appreciate nerdy humor:
Pluto never forget | I wear this shirt periodically | 4 out of 3 people | Dear math I’m not a therapist | There’s a fine line between numerator and denominator | Never trust an atom, they make up everything
For those of us who hate exercise:
I can’t get out of bed send help or pizza | Lazy is a very strong word | T-rex no like pushups | Exercise…bacon | I love running to the kitchen for snacks | I don’t run. If you ever see me running…
For snarky people:
I’m not anti social | Sarcastic comment loading| Zombies eat brains | I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong | A body at rest…go away | I am currently unsupervised
For everyone:
That’s not a good sign | Pull yourself together man! | How to pick up chicks | I tried it at home | People in sleeping bags | I’ve got your back
For girls/women:
Sorry I’m late I didn’t want to come | You look funny with your head turned like that | Always be yourself | I like to party…read books | I can’t run I’m a mermaid | Definition of a teenager
For the music/movie/video game lover:
I’m not saying I’m Batman | Hello my name is Inigo Montoya | Expressions of Vader | I went outside once | Education is important but playing guitar is importanter (lots of variations of this one) | Retro music I am your father
And don’t forget to check out the 20 best Christmas gift ideas for teens here!
Laura says
Love these! They will make great Xmas gifts!
Rachel Quesada says
T-shirts really are the perfect gift for teenagers. What a great roundup! Thanks!
Ja says
Zulily had a bunch of these too, not long ago. It was great fun to read through them. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Nina says
These are hilarious! Thanks for sharing! I’ll have to show these to my husband.