I’m a member of the Mormon church, and at church my kids are encouraged to learn and memorize scriptures. They are also encouraged to memorize the Articles of Faith, which are 13 verses that sum up the core beliefs of our church. I thought it would be nice to have all 13 verses printed out and displayed in our home to help the kids with memorization.
I’ve been working on these printables for a while but I wanted to make sure to get them posted before Christmas because I think they’d make a great Christmas gift – you can print all 13 verses out at Costco (at 8×10) for just under $20.
I have a blank wall in my kitchen, so I used washi tape to tape all 13 verses up – and my kids have been reading and reciting them during breakfast each day. If you don’t want to hang them all up at once, you could just display one in a frame, rotating it out for the next one each month. Note: if you use washi tape to hang yours on the wall, just be aware that some washi tape is stickier than others – the less-sticky versions probably won’t hold very well. You could also use short pins to pin them to the wall – just use a thimble or pencil eraser to push the pins into the wall.
You can download a .zip file of all 13 printables (free!) by clicking HERE. They are sized at 8×10 and should print well at 16×20 as well. If you print at any other size some of the words may get cut off. (And for any of you who have noticed that A of F #3 and #9 have typos in the graphic above, they’ve both already been fixed!)
Please DO NOT redistribute these or use them for any commercial purposes, as that would be a violation of copyright law.
Here’s what each one looks like:
I hope you enjoy them!
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Desiree says
these are great! thank you for sharing them.