In today’s post: Download the pattern for this free ruffled top in women’s size L.
Last year I made my daughter a shirt with a ruffle running all the way around it. I LOVE that shirt. And my daughter looks absolutely adorable in it. I ended up making her a dress as well just because I liked it so much. Ever since I’ve wanted to make the exact same top in my size…but I hesitated because things that look cute on an 8-year-old don’t always look cute on a woman over 40.
So I hemmed and hawed and a year went by and I finally decided just to sew the darn thing up and give it a try. And honestly, the jury’s still out on whether I can pull off this style quite the way my daughter can. But I figure I’ve already admitted I’m over 40 so I can wear whatever I darn well please *wink*.
Ruffle Top Pattern in Women’s size L
I made a pattern so any of you who happen to have a penchant for ruffles can make one too. Like all my women’s patterns, this is a size Large, meant for a 38 inch bust. It’s a roomy cut so it might work for XL as well.
Click here to download the Women’s Ruffle Top pattern
Print out the pattern at 100% or full size. You can print page 7 first and measure the test square to make sure it’s exactly 1 inch. The pattern prints on 8 sheets of 8.5×11 paper. You will butt the pages together without trimming anything. Tape the pages together. The pattern looks like this:
You’re going to need between 1.5 and 2 yards of 55-60 inch wide knit (stretchy) fabric for this top. I actually used two men’s 3X t-shirts that I got from Walmart for four bucks each to make mine. I really like buying large tees to cut up for fabric because I’m not thrilled about the knit fabric selection at my local fabric stores. Be sure to wash and dry your fabric before you cut out your pieces.
How to make the Women’s Ruffle Top
Construction for the women’s version of this top is exactly the same as the girl’s ruffle top, so you’ll just want to click over to that post and read the directions.
The one thing to note about this pattern is that it’s quite roomy because the lower shirt pieces are gathered where the ruffles attach. If you DO NOT want your shirt to be as wide you can trim one inch off the lower shirt pattern along the straight edge that says “FOLD”.
Let me know if you’ve sewn up anything fun lately. See you!
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Dara says
ALWAYS Something beautiful from you Autumn! Thank you!
Teresa Y Pulleyn says
It looks great on you. Over 40…? I top 60 and plan on making a couple of these darling tops. I don’t know about mixing fabrics but a white T with a dotted swiss ruffle would be so cute. Love your site, Autumn, which is my favorite season by the way. Teresa in Brigham City
Kristie says
This is fantastic! It looks fabulous on you. And I’m so glad you did an adult pattern, because I wanted one too. 🙂