In today’s post: Use these free printable worksheets to create your own game of ultimate rock paper scissors – extra options means extra fun!
Hey, it’s almost summer break! Which means sleeping in and spending days at the pool and campfires and nature and all sorts of wonderful stuff…along with telling your kids countless times that if they start one more argument THEY WILL REGRET IT! Seriously, having all the kids home for the summer is absolutely the best…and occasionally the worst. On those occasions when boredom has drained all the sibling affection right out of your home, it can be handy to have an easy activity to throw at them, like these printable Create Your Own Ultimate Rock Paper Scissors worksheets.
Everyone knows how to play rock paper scissors, right? But while it comes in handy when determining who gets the last cookie, it’s not actually super fun to play. Kinda boring and a bit predictable.
Ultimate Rock Paper Scissors
It needs to be a bit more complicated if it’s actually going to be fun. If you add a couple more options to the basic three, there are suddenly lots more ways to win or lose. I created a couple worksheets your kids can use to design their own five option “ultimate” rock paper scissors game:
The worksheet shows how the game works when you add in two more options. The arrows show which options defeat other options, and there are color coded spaces down at the bottom so kids can fill in the details. You can also print out a page of extra signs so kids can choose a couple and cut them out to glue on their worksheet.
My two elementary school age kids had a great time figuring out what options they wanted to add to their games. Rock paper scissors alligator batman? Rock paper scissors ballerina baby? Rock paper scissors unicorn donut?
NOTE: Turns out this is a fun activity to take along on a road trip! Find more fun road trip games here.
Super Ultimate Rock Paper Scissors
Of course, if your kids are a bit older, 5 options isn’t going to be complicated enough. They’ll want to create a super ultimate game using 7 options. Something like…rock paper scissors surfer unicorn donut fire!
Don’t worry, I have a printable worksheet for that one too!
Ultimate Rock Paper Scissors printable worksheets
Download the print the various worksheets by clicking on the links below. Have fun!
Extra signs for Ultimate Rock Paper Scissors
Create Your Own 5 option worksheet
Create Your Own 7 option worksheet
And I have completed five option and seven option printables as well, in case you want a more complicated game without having to create your own:
Rock Paper Scissors Unicorn Donut printable
Rock Paper Scissors Surfer Unicorn Donut Fire printable
What a super fun project/game. I’m going to throw it up on FB page for those who are not familiar with you. 😄
Kristie says
This is so fun! Thanks for putting this together. Something super fun for the kids to do. 🙂