Things have changed around here in the past few years. I used to do crafts and activities with my kids out of a need to fill up a few more minutes in each very long day. Back when I had three at home all day it seemed like it took an amazing amount of “activities” just to get to dinnertime each day. Now that my kids are a little older, the days fly by and I’m starting to feel like I don’t see my older kids nearly enough. And so my motivation for doing crafts with them is a little different: I want to give them a good reason to want to hang out with Mom sometimes.
These little mini donut bunny rabbits are a great easy spring or Easter activity, whether your kids are still pretty little or starting to get older. My big kids worked hard to make their bunnies look as perfect as possible, getting the ear shape just right, etc. My littler kids were just thrilled they got to play around with food and eat powdered donuts, although they both did a great job making bunnies of their own.
These little donut bunnies are easy to make with just mini powdered donuts, pink and white taffy, and toothpicks. I found the taffy in the bulk section at my grocery store. The taffy was rock hard, but I just microwaved it for about 10 seconds and it softened up nicely (don’t microwave much longer than that or it will melt!).
How to make mini donut bunny rabbits:
1 – start with mini powdered donuts, pink and white taffy, and toothpicks. 2 – microwave 2 taffy for about 10 seconds to soften. 3 – pull off about a quarter of the taffy (all pink) and set aside. 4. shape larger piece of taffy into a bar, as shown. 5 – fold over the taffy, keeping white on the outside. 6 – form taffy into ear shape. 7 – push toothpick into base of ear. 8 – roll extra pink taffy into ball for the nose. 9 – let taffy pieces sit for a few minutes to harden back up.
Finally, assemble the bunnies by popping the nose in the center of the donut and sticking the ears in the top.
(Some of the mini donuts don’t have much of a hole in the middle – if so, use a toothpick to dig out a little hole so you can push the nose in without squishing it.)
My kids had a great time making these. Here’s the one my 4-yr-old made all by herself:
And here’s the one my 6-yr-old made:
It was a fun, quick and easy little edible craft the kids could do with no help from me. Just be sure to remind littler ones to take the ears off and eat the taffy off the toothpicks before they bite into the donut. Happy Easter!
Kristen says
Love that idea so cute!
Carla says
Love this idea!!! Will do it this year with my class. Thank you.